How to Show up for Yourself in Your Relationship
A strange and counterproductive pattern can materialize when you’re in a relationship for a long time. You get so comfortable and close with your partner that you casually take the relationship for granted.
Examining Different Types of Somatic Therapy Approaches
The concept of somatic healing is something I’ve talked about and will keep talking about. One reason for this is the reality that we live in a culture that likes to talk about a mind-body connection.
Somatic Therapy: 5 Common Techniques
Look up the word “somatic,” and most often, you’ll find it defined as “of or relating to the body.” Therefore, on the surface, this can appear to contradict the concept of a mental illness.
Why is ADHD Neurodivergent?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and commonly known mental health condition. Ask someone about ADHD, and they will likely talk about being disorganized, forgetful, or overstimulated.
High-Functioning Autism: What It Is & How It's Diagnosed
What was once called Asperger’s syndrome is now known as high-functioning autism. It’s not strictly a medical diagnosis, but it’s a very necessary distinction.
A Guide to the Different Types of Somatic Therapy
Emotional distress and mental illness can manifest in so many different ways. Each person and each situation is different — so much so that we sometimes can’t discern what is and isn’t a symptom.
How IFS Therapy Transforms Trauma
Most of us will endure at least one traumatic event in our lives — about 70 percent of us, in fact. Trauma is common; it’s a major challenge, and it must be addressed.
How Does EMDR Work for Anxiety?
About 1 in 8 of the people in the world are dealing with a mental illness. The most common of all these conditions is an anxiety disorder.
What is EMDR and How Can It Treat Trauma?
More than half of the people in the world will experience at least one traumatic event in their lives. What constitutes trauma can differ from person to person.
Understanding the Connection Between Women’s Hormones and Depression
Less than half of those reporting signs of depression seek treatment. Even so, five percent of the world’s population has been diagnosed with depression.
How Women’s Hormones Affect Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition on the planet. More specifically, at least 25 percent of women will suffer anxiety issues in their lifetimes.
How to Talk to Your Kids So They Will Actually Listen
For many parents, the title of this post will be synonymous with “How to perform a miracle.” Kids are notoriously tricky when it comes to communication. At a young age, this is more understandable.