Depression Therapy

Is Depression Sapping All The Joy And Meaning Out Of Life?

closeup of a hiking boot

Does feeling good or hopeful about anything seem so impossible that even the optimism of others is annoying? Do you avoid or have to pump yourself up for social encounters only to over-indulge just to be comfortable?

Perhaps it feels like you’re merely getting through most days, longing for the weekends when you can sleep and not get out of your PJs. Or maybe you’re exploring therapy because something feels off or you’re stuck in some way, and you suspect it may be depression.

Depression Can Sneak Up On You In Subtle Ways

One day, you’re doing pretty good, and then slowly, you start losing interest in the things you used to enjoy. You stop going on nightly walks or hikes in the nearby mountains. When a friend asks you to go skiing or hang out, you likely decline because you’re physically and emotionally depleted. 

The insistent irritability and negative thinking may be straining important relationships. You may be distracted at work, have trouble making decisions, or lack joy in what you do. At the end of the day, you probably just want to be left alone so you can veg out with Netflix and numb the sadness.

Depression has a powerful way of isolating you from the world, which is why our therapists at Bozeman Counseling Center want to help you re-engage with life. Working together, you can heal the wounds at the core of your pain and discover a lighter, happier, more connected way of being.

Depression Can Secretly Thrive In Areas Like Bozeman

Seasonal depression (called seasonal-affective disorder) impacts a very large number of people who live in this northern region of Montana. It’s cold, somewhat isolated, and the sun sits at an angle in the sky that limits our exposure to vitamin D. So depression is quite a common challenge where we are, which highlights the need for awareness and well-trained treatment providers.

Many times, loss, change, break ups, and other life transitions can catapult a person into a depressive state of mind. Sometimes, even "good" changes like having a baby or starting a new job can leave a person feeling depressed and overwhelmed.

  1. For People With Past Trauma, Depression Can Become A Way Of Life

Most folks with emotional wounding (especially early trauma) can’t even remember a time when they felt anything but pain, so reaching out for help doesn’t even come to mind. Plus, it doesn’t help much that in our culture, we’re taught to pick ourselves up and "get over it already." 

The truth is that no amount of Googling, watching TikTok, or scrolling on Instagram can help a person shift out of a depressive state, but there is support available that truly can make a difference.  

Although it takes time and self-compassion, working with a counselor helps you get to the root of depression. Whether it’s past trauma, a recent situation, family dynamics, or grief, we’ll equip you with the tools, self-awareness, and support needed to create positive change.

Are you ready to schedule or have any questions? Send us a message

Guy looking up to the sky

Depression Therapy Can Help You Become A Part Of Life Again

Bozeman, Montana, is a super adventurous and active place to live with people skiing, hiking, rock climbing, camping, and enjoying the outdoors. Sometimes, it can feel embarrassing or even shameful for someone who struggles with depression because they can feel like "What do I have to be depressed about? This place is beautiful. I just need to get outside and I’ll feel better." 

However, depression isn’t something you can rationalize yourself out of. It requires having someone who will meet you where you are without judgment or an agenda other than to help you heal and reclaim your life. Whatever your concerns are, depression therapy gives you a chance and the permission to work on yourself and what you need to be happy. 

We continuously familiarize ourselves with the micro-cultures here: farm/ranch families, construction workers, college students, the LGBTQ+ community, and newly arrived transplants from more urban parts of the country. And we do this to better understand you and unique the challenges you may bring to the table.

What Are Depression Counseling Sessions Like?

Each person’s experience with depression is different, so the first thing we’ll do is take a look at your symptoms and how they’re impacting you day to day. At the same time, we’ll get creative to find ways for you to experience immediate relief from your symptoms. 

We’ll also get a thorough history of your life experiences and relationships to help determine what the underlying root of the depression may be. If you have trauma in your history, your nervous system is probably in a perpetual state of survival mode. That, in turn, may be driving symptoms of anxiety as well as depression, which is why we’ll provide you with tools and resources for dealing with both. 

How Do We Approach Depression Treatment?

Person hiking on a winter mountain

Our therapists at Bozeman Counseling Center use several holistic and evidence-based treatment strategies for overcoming depression and the obstacles it creates. Our eclectic approach to healing frequently draws from:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT for Depression). CBT targets depression by focusing on a person’s internal network of interwoven thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and emotions.

  • Solution-Focused Therapy. This collaborative approach to healing emphasizes setting/achieving goals and overcoming challenges due to depression. 

  • Internal Family Systems (IFS for Depression). IFS helps people understand how “parts” of themselves that may serve a protective purpose are actually keeping them in a state of depression, unable to connect with their authentic self.

Most of the time, we use a combination of techniques like mindfulness for depression, self-compassion and self-acceptance exercises, sand tray art, and traditional talk therapy in counseling sessions. We provide lots of tools and resources while compassionately listening to and witnessing our clients’ challenges.

At Bozeman Counseling Center, we want to provide you with a corrective healing experience where you can be yourself, share your story, and feel witnessed and validated. The truth is, your brain—the way you think and feel and experience the world—it can change. You can find yourself again and re-engage in life in an authentic way. 

And we’ll support you along the way, walking by your side until you finally feel free and alive again.

Perhaps You’re Considering Depression Counseling But Still Have Concerns…

I worry that I’ll become reliant upon depression therapy.

In psychotherapy, it can take time and patience to uncover the root cause of depression, explore the stuck places, and create new beliefs and thinking patterns. What may initially seem like reliance on therapy is really a matter of not understanding that change requires time and repetition.  The brain changes when it’s presented with new information and an opportunity to do things differently in repetition over time. Some people spend 30 years getting to where they’re stuck, so it may take more than just a few months to feel better.

I once had a bad experience in therapy, so I worry I’ll be judged or misunderstood. 

One of the benefits of working with our group practice, Bozeman Counseling Center, is that we have many depression therapists you can pick from. While depression counselors get thorough training to keep personal biases out of sessions, it’s important to find someone who truly resonates with you—someone you can trust and build a therapeutic relationship with. So, we’re happy to help you find a therapist who speaks to you—even if they are outside of our practice.

Will talking about my feelings make things worse?

All of our depression counselors are trauma-informed, which means we’re always watching to make sure therapy doesn’t become overwhelming. We’ll honor the pace you need to work at in sessions, “zooming out” if ever things grow too intense.  To help regulate your nervous system, we’ll give you concrete tools you can practice at home and outside of sessions. Plus, you’ll have our unflinching support and guidance the whole way so your path toward healing is as smooth as possible.

Discover A Lighter, More Joyful Way Of Being

Our trauma-informed depression therapists at Bozeman Counseling Center are dedicated to helping you  overcome depression so you can finally become part of life again. Please Contact Us or call (406) 624-6007 to schedule your free, 15-minute consultation. You can also start your journey of healing now by setting up your initial online or in-person depression therapy session.


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