Kathryn (Kittie) Bowen, MS, LCPC
Hi, I’m Kittie!
Founder & Director, Clinical Supervisor
One thing that I have learned through my own life experiences and as a counselor, is that people have the ability to make significant long-lasting changes no matter how stuck they initially feel when they come into my office. I have developed a unique approach of combining the best from both Counseling and Coaching modalities to offer clients a wide variety of tools and techniques to help them move forward. I am also holistic in my approach working with mind, body, and Self. Holistic to me also means helping clients address all areas of their life to find optimal balance and fulfilment. We can have a great job, but if our relationships are struggling, then we don’t have balance. Or if our relationships are great but we are feeling unfilled in our career, then we aren’t truly thriving. I love incorporating brain science into my counseling practice because this science has proven that it is possible to make significant positive changes in life that actually rewires the brain.
I established Bozeman Counseling Center to bring together other therapists with a similar philosophy of mental wellness, and make it easier for those seeking this style of counseling to find a good fit from the start. I no longer work with clients one on one, but am busy supervising and training the next generation of amazing therapists at Bozeman Counseling Center.
For mental health providers, I also provide business coaching and mentorship. I want counselors to develop confidence and ease with the business aspects of running their practice. These services include everything from helping you start your private practice, understanding your insurance contracts, getting you ready for tax time, helping you stay on top of compliance issues, and much more. I also provide coaching and mentorship to supervisors so that they can establish that part of their business successfully.
My background in business, non-profits, as well as counseling and coaching, helps me relate and connect with a wide variety of clients. While I am no longer working with clients individually and am instead focusing on training and supervising therapists, if you are interested in learning more about the approach I have developed at Bozeman Counseling Center, please reach out. I look forward to chatting with you more!
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”- Mary Oliver
I am the founder and director of Bozeman Counseling Center. I’m passionate about helping people get unstuck so that they can start thriving in all important areas of life. Counseling and Coaching is a second career for me. I started out in the corporate world, worked crazy hours, and had zero work-life balance. Twenty-plus years ago I made the decision to leave my executive position and pursue my love of human potential and personal development. After attending graduate school in Mental Health Counseling, I established a private practice providing therapy to individuals and couples.
I have lived in Bozeman, Montana for 30 years with my husband, two grown children, and several generations of yellow and black lab pups, and now two kittens. Part of my current work-life balance includes strengthening my mind and body with daily mediation. I also love gardening, art and design, time in nature, and travel to novel places.
Neuro-Psychotherapy (Brain & Nervous System Based)
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Somatic Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Person Centered Therapy
Undergraduate - BS in Business, Accounting, Western Washington University
Graduate - MS in Mental Health Counseling, Monana State University
Montana BBH-LCPC-LIC-1579