Abbie Thompson, MS, PCLC


Abbie Thompson profile

Hi, I’m Abbie!

Life has a funny way of impacting us. For the good, bad, and the ugly, we often learn ways to adapt and move through as best we can. Sometimes, we find ourselves struggling to move through or carrying burdens long after their time has gone. Counseling is a process of revealing- who we are, how we are, and why we are. Within the safety and trust of the counseling relationship, we can bring to light all the pieces of ourselves, from shame to joy or our deepest pain to our greatest celebration and have the chance to sit in the discomfort and grapple with the possibility of self-acceptance and understanding. As Carl Rogers stated, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change”. Counseling offers a space for all parts and pieces to be brought to the light where we can learn to hold them with compassion. Once revealed, we can decide how to move- do we bring these pieces with us or are we ready to let them rest? The choice is for you. And the “you” is your wholly authentic self that you have found along the way.

As a Montana girl, I love the space of this state and often will go in search of a place to hang a hammock and soak in the three months of sun we have! After moving to Bozeman from Great Falls 4 years ago, I value the friendships and community of Bozeman and rely on these relationships to keep my life grounded and filled with joy. All the time in between, I can usually be found attempting a craft project or searching for live music in Bozeman-which is often hard to find!

I graduated from Montana State University with a master’s in Marriage, Couples, and Family counseling in May 2024. I am a licensed PCLC in the state of Montana working under the supervision of Kathryn (Kittie) Bowen, LCPC, and Emily Grills, LCPC.

I enjoy working with folks from all ages and stages of life and I work with emphasis on one’s connection to self, body, and community. I believe that the counseling relationship can offer the security we often need to begin finding trust and safety in ourselves. As we build a space of connection and healing together, I am excited walk alongside you in your journey of self-discovery.


  • Somatic Experiencing

  • Internal Family Systems

  • Attachment Theory

  • Narrative

  • Person Centered


  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Adverse Childhood Experienced

  • ADHD

  • College Students


  • Undergraduate – BS in Psychology, Arizona State University

  • Graduate Degree - MS in Marriage and Family Therapy, Montana State University

License: BBH-PCLC-LIC-71271