How IFS Therapy Transforms Trauma

Most of us will endure at least one traumatic event in our lives — about 70 percent of us, in fact. Trauma is common; it’s a major challenge, and it must be addressed. When left unchecked, trauma can cause serious ongoing issues for years. The symptoms are daunting and require professional treatment. But where do you start? How do you know who can effectively help?

An increasingly popular option is called internal family systems therapy (IFS). An IFS therapist will help you understand that you’re made up of many sub-personalities. Yes, we have a deep inner Self, but revolving around that Self are parts of you that need attention. It is this process that can transform trauma. 

What is Trauma, and Why is It So Negatively Impactful?

When we undergo a crisis of any kind, it can be traumatizing. Each situation and each person is different; so many events can result in trauma. More often than not, however, it will involve something like:

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Abuse of any kind

  • Abandonment and neglect

  • Being victimized by crime

  • Natural disasters

  • Injury, illness, or disability

  • Living in a war zone

Experiences like this can cause your brain to process and store memories improperly. The survivor can get stuck in an extreme stress response. Unless this is resolved, they will probably experience flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms, sleep disturbances, hyper-vigilance, and social withdrawal. 

What is IFS, and Why is It So Positively Impactful?

As touched on above, IFS therapy is a treatment approach that works to align all of our inner psychological parts. The primary focus is usually on three types of sub-personalities that try to help but end up causing more trouble. These parts are:

  • Managers: They try to restore order during distress, but their tactics are often counterproductive.

  • Firefighters: They are called into duty to put out emotional “fires.” However, if the root causes are not identified, the work of the firefighters is short-lived at best. 

  • Exiles: When negative thoughts and memories become overwhelming, exiles suppress the related emotions at all costs.

The work of these parts can bring about some temporary relief, but nothing ever gets resolved without long-term solutions. It’s not a matter of any of your sub-personalities being “bad.” They have good intentions but would be far more useful if they worked as a team under the supervision of your deeper Self.

How IFS Therapy Transforms Trauma

When it comes to healing an emotional problem — especially something like trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) — there can only be one leader. This must always be the Self. An IFS therapist can guide you to reactivate the proper hierarchy so the parts are in a healthy alignment below the Self. 

IFS therapy can create harmony by:

  • Elevating the Self to its proper place atop the totem pole

  • Revoking autonomy from the other parts while still factoring in their input

This puts the “family” in internal family systems. Everyone has a role and is respected, but rules flow from top to bottom. With such a functional internal system, you are ideally positioned to face up to uncomfortable sensations and memories without being triggered. This is the state in which you can begin the crucial work of processing and resolving trauma of all types. 

Let’s Connect and Talk Soon

IFS can sound confusing in the abstract. In practice, it’s a proven, effective method of trauma therapy. With the support of an experienced therapist, you can stop putting out fires and instead focus on the underlying issues and patterns that have you feeling stuck. I invite you to reach out so you can learn more and start thriving again. 

About Kathryn Bowen MS, LCPC: Kathryn (Kittie) Bowen MS, LCPC, is a licensed therapist and founder and director of Bozeman Counseling Center. She is passionate about helping people get unstuck so that they can start thriving in all important areas of life. Counseling and Coaching is a second career for her. She started out in the corporate world, worked crazy hours, and had zero work-life balance. Eighteen years ago she made the decision to leave her executive position and pursue her love of human potential and personal development. After attending graduate school in Mental Health Counseling, at Montana State University, she established a private practice providing therapy to individuals and couples.
Kathryn Bowen

Kathryn (Kittie) Bowen, MS, LCPC, is the the founder and director of Bozeman Counseling Center. She is passionate about helping people get unstuck so that they can start thriving in all important areas of life. Eighteen years ago Kittie made the decision to leave her executive position and pursue her love of human potential and personal development. After attending graduate school in Mental Health Counseling, she established a private practice providing therapy to individuals and couples.

  • Undergraduate - BS in Business, Accounting, Western Washington University

  • Graduate - MS in Mental Health Counseling, Monana State University

  • Montana BBH-LCPC-LIC-1579

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