What is Complex Trauma?
Conversations about trauma were once quite rare. Over time, with the initial focus on returning soldiers, this topic has gained greater awareness.
Anxiety Attacks: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention
Everyone feels nervous or worried from time to time. After all, anxiety can be a valuable emotion as it warns us about potential dangers.
What Does ADHD Feel Like?
In recent years, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has certainly become more familiar to the general public. This can be a positive development, but more work needs to be done.
How Does Trauma Affect the Brain?
About 70 percent of American adults have endured at least one traumatic event in their life. Think about it. Almost everyone you know has been impacted in a variety of ways.
5 Signs of High-Functioning Depression
Anyone who has experienced a depressive episode can attest that “high-functioning” is not how they felt. Most often, major depressive disorder (MDD) manifests in ways that hamper even the most basic daily tasks.
How is High-Functioning Anxiety Different From GAD?
There’s no shortage of content about anxiety these days. Even so, the most common mental health disorder in the world is often misunderstood.
What Does ADHD Look Like in Adults?
ADHD — shorthand for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — is used by adults to describe their forgetfulness or distractibility. Of course, the condition is much more than that.
Managing Holiday Stress: A Guide
The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes the inevitable unraveling of our sanity, patience, and festive spirit. These tips will help you maintain your composure and keep your cool throughout the festive chaos.
Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, aptly abbreviated as SAD, is a recurrent form of major depressive disorder that unfailingly emerges during the same season each year. Here are some of the most prevalent symptoms.
Understanding Anxiety
Every wonder if your have anxiety and if can be helped by going to counseling? Here is some information that can help you decide if you are struggling with anxiety.
Navigating Grief & Loss
We delve into what grief entails and discuss the duration of the grieving process, accompanied by tips on coping with loss.
Nurturing Resilience Amidst Challenges
In the face of the myriad challenges that our society has confronted in recent years, here are some tips on how to cultivate resilience during difficult times.